Calacatta White Quartz Slabs Small Slabs Kitchen Counertops

Item No.: Calacatta White Quartz Slabs 220822008
Calacatta White Quartz Slabs Small Slabs Kitchen Counertops
Product parameters
Color: White Color
Size: Custom Cutting
Original: Xiamen, China
Finish Way: Polished
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Calacatta White Quartz Slabs Small Slabs Kitchen Counertops

by Randy Hunn
May 18,2023
Visit your factory
Ladies/gentlemen, I plan to visit the stone fair in Xiamen June 5-8. I am the owner of Euro Stone Craft a countertop fabricator in the Washington DC metro area. My projects are new multi story residential buildings. Typically 4 to 15 container of slabs for each project. We fabricate the countertops and install them. I wish to connect with a quartz manufacturer to supply slabs for my company. I would be honored to visit your factory. Will you be at the fair in Xiamen? Will you allow me to visit your slab production factory after the stone fair? Where is your slab production factory? Warmest regards, Randy Hunn 01.703.220.9042

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